Proven to reduce abdominal fat, MUFAs (monounsaturated fatty acids) should be a
part of your daily diet, and you can find them in avocado, nuts and nut butters, seeds,
and olive oil. Just be mindful of how much you eat since these are also high in
calories. Blueberries are also proven to diminish belly fat, so make a point to throw
them in your salad and smoothies or eat a Blueberry Fig WunderBar. Some foods like
pineapple contain an enzyme that helps ease digestion and banish bloat, making your
belly look and feel flatter.
High-fiber foods like pears, berries, veggies, beans, and whole grains have the same
effect — plus they keep you feeling full longer, just like healthy fats. Feeling full keeps
hunger at bay, so you crave less and eat less, reducing your total daily calorie intake
which will reduce your overall body fat, including that extra bit around your middle.
Giving your metabolism a little jump-start is not a difficult task — or even a big
commitment. Take for instance, adding any of these six foods to your day. It's such a
simple way to get the body going.
1. Whole grains: Whole grains offer loads of dietary fiber and complex carbs that
help speed up your metabolism. Just make sure to reach for real whole grains; don't
be blinded by pretty multigrain packages.
2. Coffee: Caffeine "naturally" stimulates your central nervous system; your daily
cup of coffee/tea can boost metabolism by five to eight percent. Tea for me.
3. Vinegar: Vinegar has a ton of health properties including the ability to burn fat.
Studies indicate that it's the acid in vinegar that signals genes in the body to break
down fat. It's especially useful to enjoy vinegar after you eat refined carbs, since it
manages your blood-sugar levels from rising too quickly. ACV for me.
4. Citrus: Chowing down on citrus favorites burn fat and keep your metabolism in
check. The next time you need a snack, grab a grapefruit, orange or a
Coconut Pumpkin Seed Citrus WunderBar to keep insulin levels at bay.
5. Spices: Spices are one of the easiest foods to incorporate to keep your
metabolic rate high! The most pungent spices like turmeric and cinnamon do the best
job at kicking up your body's temperature, speeding up your body's fat burning
process. Cranberry Cashew Cinnamon WunderBar please.
6. Hot peppers: The compound capsaicin that gives chili peppers their kick has long
been connected with boosting metabolism and curbing cravings.
Spicy Walnut & Mango WunderBar. Be safe, be well.
Our bodies are built to move! Uwe 512-413-9110
