Staying active and fit is a critical part of staying healthy. Although many schools
and businesses are sending people home, it doesn’t mean that you and your family
can’t still be physically active.
Instead of spending the next few days or weeks binge-watching TV and playing
video games, try finding fun activities to keep the whole family active. Walking,
hiking, riding bikes, and playing outside are all fun ways to avoid cabin fever,
improve fitness and enjoy quality family time while maintaining a safe “social
distance” from others. But don't just take my word for it.
Read what other renowned institutions say.
“Our research has shown time and time again that fitness and physical activity
improves our overall health and quality of life,” said Dr. Laura DeFina, President,
CEO and Chief Science Officer of The Cooper Institute. “This is a great time to focus
on our health by making fitness a priority for the whole family.”
And as a reminder for all of us, because the better/faster we adhere
to the restrictions, the sooner the restrictions will be lifted and we all are able to go
back to the new normal.
So my dear friends listen to the experts ;-)):
• Wash your hands often with soap and water for at least 20 seconds.
• Use an alcohol-based hand sanitizer when soap and water are not available.
• Avoid touching your eyes, nose and mouth with unwashed hands.
• Maintain “social distance” of at least 6 feet from other people.
• Stay home if you are sick and seek medical attention.
• Cover your mouth and nose with a tissue when sneezing or coughing. Use
the inside of your elbow if tissues are not readily available.
• Clean and disinfect all frequently touched surfaces daily.
“We’ve always said that prevention is the key to living a long, healthy life,” said Dr.
Benjamin Willis, Director of Epidemiology at The Cooper Institute. “By restricting
contact and adhering to strict cleaning and sanitizing regimens, we can all help
flatten the curve of this outbreak.”
Dr. Willis also recommends following the guidelines from the Centers for Disease
Control and Prevention to help stop the spread of COVID-19 and other infections
Our bodies are built to move! Uwe 512.413.9110.So...
The latest physical activity guidelines!
...the more we move, the better we live. Even a few minutes of exercise is better
than sitting still.
These are words you think coming from a fitness expert, like me, but wait, they are
actually coming from the Physical Activity Guidelines Advisory Committee as well.
Their findings and research is used by the Department of Health and Human
Services and was released in 2018. The committee concluded that we are still an
inactive Society. Boom!!!
Several key findings in the new report are: Exercise improves depression
management, Exercise helps us sleep better, is vital for weight control, balance,
and any amount of structured exercise improves quality of live (and with a guiding hand
of an expert it saves you time). Exercise is needed at any age, from child age to the
elderly. Actually exercise is a must the older we get.
Key components of the physical guidelines by the committee.
1) muscle strengthening
2) aerobic exercise
3) balance training
4) stretching
5) mindfulness & relaxation
6) kids & youth activities
7) older adults activities
Lifestyle choices have a significant impact on quality and length of life. As a fitness
coach I help people remain active and engaged from their 50s into their 90s and
"A commitment to physical activity, good nutrition and other healthy choices may
modulate the expression of the genetic code."
A simple way of understanding this relationship is the following statement:
A persons genes determine what might be, but lifestyle choices determines what
the person actually becomes.
We have the tools, the means and the knowledge to be on your side as you start a
new chapter in your life. Successfully changing what doesn't work with what does.
Team work makes the dream work.
Our bodies are built to move!